terça-feira, 31 de agosto de 2010

12 august/agosto

Our boat is now stopped due to engine problems.

O nosso barco está parado devido a problemas de motor.

Susana Simião

11 august/agosto

(sperm whale fluking/cachalote a mergulhar)

(sperm whale's blowhole/espiráculo do cachalote)

(sperm whale calf/cria de cachalote)

(sperm whales at the surface/cachalotes à superfície)

(sperm whale's fluke/cauda de cachalote)

terça-feira, 24 de agosto de 2010

10 august/agosto 14.30

(striped dolphins/golfinhos riscados)

(spotted dolphins/golfinhos pintados)


(sperm whales/cachalotes)

(sperm whales/cachalotes)

10 august/agosto 09.00

(sperm whale fluke/cauda de cachalote)

(sperm whales diving/cachalotes a mergulhar)

(sperm whale fluking/cachalote a mergulhar)

(spotted dolphin/golfinho pintado)

(spotted dolphins/golfinhos pintados)

09 august/agosto 14.30

(sperm whale tailslapping/cachalote a bater com a cauda)

(sperm whale tail slapping/cachalote a bater com a cauda)

(sperm whale fluke/cauda de cachalote)

(sperm whale fluke/cauda de cachalote)

(two mother-calf pairs spotted dolphins/dois pares de golfinhos pintados mãe-cria)

(spotted dolphins/golfinhos pintados)

09 august/agosto 09.00

(sperm whale fluke/cauda de cachalote)

(sperm whale diving/cachalote a mergulhar)

(Risso's dolphin/golfinho de Risso)

(Risso's dolphins surfing/golfinhos de Risso a surfar)

(juvenile gull/gaivota juvenil)

(sperm whale fluking/cachalote a mergulhar)

08 august/agosto 14.30

(Cory's shearwaters/cagarros)

(four sperm whales at the surface/quatro cachalotes à superfície)

(sperm whales diving/cachalotes a mergulhar)

(sperm whales diving/cachalotes a mergulhar)

(striped dolphins/golfinhos riscados)

(striped dolphins/golfinhos riscados)

(striped dolphins/golfinhos riscados)

(loggerhead sea turtle/tartaruga comum)

08 august/agosto 09.00

(mother calf sperm whale at the surface/mãe e cria cachalote à superfície)

(same mother-calf sperm whales fluking/as mesmas mãe-cria cachalote a mergulhar)

(sperm whale at the surface/cachalote à superfície)

(sperm whale fluke/cauda de cachalote)

07 august/agosto 14.30

(sperm whale fluking/cachalote a mergulhar)

(sperm whale fluke/cauda de cachalote)

(Risso's dolphin/golfinho de Risso)

(sperm whale/cachalote)

(spotted dolphin/golfinho pintado)
(spotted dolphins/golfinhos pintados)
(juvenile spotted dolphin/golfinho pintado juvenil)

07 august/agosto 09.00

(sperm whale mother-calf pair/cachalote mãe e cria)

(sperm whale fluking/cachalote a mergulhar)

(sperm whale fluking/cachalote a mergulhar)

05 august/agosto

(Sooty tern/garajau de dorso preto)

(juvenile gull/gaivota juvenil)

(Cory's shearwater/cagarro)

(sperm whale blow/sopro de cachalote)

(sperm whale fluking/cachalote a mergulhar)