This morning the weather was really good. The sun was shinning and there were few clouds in the sky. The vigia Antero in the south of Pico could only guarantee a dolphin sighting but the clients were keen on going anyways. By the time we left the harbour he had spotted sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) 12miles off his vigia in São Mateus. We headed straight towards the sperm whales and encountered 3-4 individuals. Only one of them fluked, the following kept shallow diving, arching their backs without showing their tails. The animals were quite dispersed so it is unlikely they were socializing, but I can't be sure what they were doing. It is also possible that they were foraging, without showing their flukes, if for some reason their prey wasn't as deep as usual causing them to not dive to their usual depths.
After a look at the whales, we decided to go towards the dolphins which were a lot closer to shore. They were about 2miles off São João, also in the south of Pico. It was a group of at least 10 short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) but possibly there were around 50 individuals. They approached the boat and came to bowride. Some of the passengers noted there was one individual with a characteristic wound corresponding to a shark bite.
Esta manhã o tempo estava muito bom. O sol brilhava e havia poucas nuvens no céu. O vigia Antero, no sul do Pico, apenas garantia um avistamento de golfinhos mas os clientes estavam desejosos de ir de qualquer forma. Pela altura que deixámos o porto já o vigia tinha avistado cachalotes () a 12milhas fora de São Mateus. Dirigimo-nos logo para onde os cachalotes estavam e encontrámos 3-4 indivíduos. Um deles mostrou a cauda, os restantes apenas mergulhavam superficialmente, arqueando as costas sem mostrar as caudas. Os animais estavam bastante dispersos pelo que é improvável que estivessem a socializar, mas também não consigo precisar o seu comportamento. Também é possível que estivessem à procura de alimento, sem mergulhar em profundidade, se por alguma razão as suas presas estivessem mais superficiais na coluna de água e não tão profundas.
Depois do avistamento dos cachalotes, decidimos ir ver os golfinhos que estavam muito mais perto da costa. Estavam a cerca de 2milhas fora de São João, também no sul do Pico. Era um grupo de, pelo menos, 10 golfinhos comuns () mas possivelmente cerca de 50 indivíduos. Eles aproximaram-se do barco e vieram nadar à proa. Alguns dos passageiros notaram que um indivíduo tinha uma ferida correspondente a uma dentada de tubarão.
Susana Simião
(sperm whale at the surface/cachalote à superfície)
(short-beaked common dolphin/golfinho comum)
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